Monday, January 24, 2011

An introduction..

I have a two year old son and I have been working with him since he was born on various educational things. My husband also does this and he now knows the following things:
  • He can visually identify all the letters of the alphabet.
  • He can write the letters A, L, E, D, M and O
  • He can visually recognize numbers 1-20
  • He can count to 14 on his own and 20 with a little help
  • He knows all his colors (rainbow basics and purple, pink, gray, white and black)
  • He knows basic shapes (square, circle, triangle, heart, star, oval, rectangle and we are working on hexagon)
  • He can use glue, hop on one foot or jump with two feet and paint with a paintbrush on plaster figures (not in the lines, but he is painting different items different colors)
He knows a few other things too like how to play pretend, stacking blocks as high as his little arms can reach after he goes and gets a stool (no we didn't show him this). So I thought he would be ready for preschool. Well it turns out that preschool doesn't teach these things. they teach the foundation for these things. I couldn't believe how much farther along he was then 3 year olds. I thought he may have been a little ahead but he seems to be a lot ahead.

So I can't get him into preschool yet but I don't want to stop teaching him things or letting him move forward. He loves learning. If he ever doesn't want to learn something we do something else. So I just keep working with him every day. My husband and I work with him for 15 minutes every day at least. That was while both of us were working full time and I was starting a company. We spent quality time with him and taught him things. It was a win/win. This blog is for those of you who work with your children or want to start. I hope it will be a resource for you so you can get ideas of how or what to work with your kids on.

Keep in mind that each child learns differently and at different paces. I will be posting how I taught my son things or how I work with my 4 month old daughter, but your child may learn a different way. Adapt the idea/lesson/whatever to how your child learns. No one knows your child better than you.

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